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Heart Foundation Walking COVID-19 Safety Plan
It’s important for us all to continue playing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Download our COVID-19 Safe flyer
Heart Foundation Walking follows all restrictions imposed by state/territory government. The program aligns with guidelines and restrictions that affect indoor and outdoor gatherings. Please refer to your local government website for information on how these may affect your walking group.
Everyone participating in a Heart Foundation walk must:
continue social distancing (keeping 1.5m distance from others), where applicable.
stay home if unwell e.g. fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat etc.
seek testing for any COVID-19 symptoms and report a positive test result to the HFW team as soon as possible.
practice good hand hygiene and cover coughs and sneezes.
have their own water bottles, towels and personal items which will not be shared.
The Heart Foundation also encourages walkers to:
download the COVIDSAFE app and use it at all times.
get the annual flu (influenza) shot and the COVID-19 vaccination.
bring own hand sanitiser to each walk and use pre, during and post the walk.
talk to their doctor about whether rejoining the walks at this stage is appropriate for them, particularly if participants are vulnerable. This includes older walkers, and those with chronic health conditions.
Walk Organisers must:
take an attendance log at each walk that includes the date of the walk and name of attendees (for safety and contact tracing purposes).
ensure all walkers are registered participants of the program.
limit number of participants per group if necessary, to adhere to restrictions – please check any capacity restrictions in your own state or territory.
Speak to your Walk Organiser to confirm the exact date when your group will be returning.
Walking and COVID-19 Webinar
Information to help our Walk Organisers lead their groups safely during COVID-19.
Download the Walking in the time of COVID-19 presentation slides.
* Please note, if you conduct your walks in a shopping centre i.e. indoors, you must follow the Heart Foundation COVID Safety Plan as described, as well as any direction received from the shopping centres, as they must ensure the implementation of any relevant legislation over and above what we may be required to do.