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Pram/Wheelchair Friendly
Dog Friendly
Pram/Wheelchair Friendly
Dog Friendly
0 walking groups in Rockingham (6168)
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Baldivis Pole Walking Group for Seniors
BaldivisFrequency WeeklyDuration 45-60 minGroup 27 membersDog Friendly NoSpeed Slow pacePram/Wheelchair Friendly NoMonTueWed8:30 amThuFriSatSun
Harbour Family Chiropractic Walking Club
Port Kennedy
Port KennedyFrequency WeeklyDuration 60-75 minGroup 36 membersDog Friendly NoSpeed Fast pacePram/Wheelchair Friendly YesMonTue9:00 amWedThu9:00 amFriSatSun
Warnbro Sound Walkers
Safety Bay
Safety BayFrequency WeeklyDuration 45-60 minGroup 23 membersDog Friendly YesSpeed Medium pacePram/Wheelchair Friendly NoMonTueWed8:00 amThuFriSatSun