Mindful Walking
The practice of mindful walking is the opportunity to give ourselves a bit of a break from the constant mental chatter. In consciously tuning into our breath and opening up to our five senses during our walks we have the potential to:
Decreases stress and symptoms of worry and anxiety.
Improve sleep habits.
Improve overall mood.
Develop more appreciation and gratitude, which can substantially improve mental health and wellbeing.
Allow ourselves a few moments without our smartphones, our to do lists, our worries and fears, and in doing so we organically allow our minds to slow a little and generally feel better.
We have engaged mindfulness expert Marike Knight from Cool Karma Collected, a Modern School for Mindfulness. Marike has developed the following resources to share how we can utilise our walking to better manage our minds as well as regulate our stress levels.
What is mindful walking and why would I do it?
Check out Marike's blog 'The Mindful Walk' to find out what mindful walking is and its' amazing benefits.