For health professionals

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Refer your patients to Heart Foundation Walking

Heart Foundation Walking is a free program for people in Australia to walk for a healthier mind, body and heart. Our program offers two structured and supportive ways for people to join, Personal Walking Plans and walking groups.

Access free printed and digital resources and flyers for your practice

Circle image with a yellow border of a man in a blue shirt smiling while using a mobile device

Personal Walking Plans

Developed by exercise and behaviour change specialists, Personal Walking Plans are tailored to your patients baseline physical activity levels, and progress in frequency, duration and intensity over 6 weeks. Ideal for those who prefer to walk independently, these plans: 

  • are easy to set up, packed with trusted advice, and delivered via email and mobile. 
  • include simple instructions, exercise videos, reminders and support to build a walking habit. 
  • help your patients to achieve the national physical activity guidelines within 6-weeks.  
  • complement walking groups for extra motivation. 

“99% of participants reported that they will continue regular walking or physical activity on their own after completing their 6-week plan*.”  
*Source: 2021 Personal Walking Plan participant survey n=2,338 

four people walking through a bush terrain wearing hiking gear smiling and enjoying their walk

Walking groups

Heart Foundation walking groups make it easy to start and maintain a walking habit. These groups: 

  • provide accountability, safety, and social connection to boost enjoyment and reduce loneliness. 
  • vary in size, frequency, and routes, catering to different needs and preferences. 
  • are led by trained volunteers from host organisations (e.g., medical practices, councils, shopping centres).  
  • can suit everyone or focus on specific groups, like those with health conditions, at specific life stages or from cultural communities. 

Participants can also join our walker rewards scheme for extra motivation.
Support your community further by starting your own group

Why refer your patients to Heart Foundation Walking?

Red icon of heart with a erg line going through it, symbolising heart health
Walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
The program offers peer and motivational support to help patients meet the  physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines. 
Red icon three people connected by one heart, symbolising connection
It's an opportunity for social prescribing, connecting patients with community services and empowering their health and well-being. 
Red icon of a a dollar sign with a slash through it, symbolising no cost or free
It's free and available to anyone in Australia who wants to experience the benefits of walking! 

Why start a walking group from your practice/clinic?

Red icon of two hands shaking symbolising agreement and commitment

Enhance community connections

Strengthen bonds within the community and boost your practice's visibility with groups.

Icon of a heart in a persons head with a white background

Health benefits  

Improve your patients' cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance, and mental health. 

Professional growth

It serves as a platform to promote your service, attract new patients, and build community partnerships.


Health professional flyer print out with a cream background

Electronic flyer

Preview of a health care professional hand out with a cream background

Waiting room poster

Preview of a walking group case study hand out with a cream background

Walking group case study

Preview of a health care professional hand out on a ios desktop

Education summary slide

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I refer my patients to Heart Foundation Walking? 

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Established in 1995, Heart Foundation Walking is a trusted national walking program developed and managed by experts in public health and physical activity. The program is entirely free and offers peer and motivational support. Participants find our program safe, supportive, and enjoyable.  

Who can refer to Heart Foundation Walking? 

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Any healthcare professional or health worker can refer to Heart Foundation Walking. Patients are also able to self-refer and can refer a friend. 

Can I refer anyone to Heart Foundation Walking? 

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You can refer any of your patients to Heart Foundation Walking, or even join yourself! Heart Foundation Walking is open to anyone living in Australia who wants to increase their physical activity levels. People living with a pre-existing health condition are advised to discuss their health condition with their healthcare professional before starting.

Can a child participate in Heart Foundation Walking? 

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Yes, people under 18 are welcome to join a walking group but must be accompanied by an adult.   

Do my patients need medical clearance before participating in Heart Foundation Walking? 

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People living with a medical condition are encouraged to discuss their condition with a healthcare professional before participating in Heart Foundation Walking. All Heart Foundation Walking participants must agree during the registration process that they are participating at their own risk and should seek medical advice with any concerns around participation.  

Can patients who have had a cardiac event attend a walking group or complete a Personal Walking Plan? 

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Yes. If their condition is stable and they have been cleared to participate in regular, gentle exercise, they can commence walking.   

Can I refer a patient with health conditions such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, Parkinson’s or back pain to Heart Foundation Walking? 

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Yes. Physical activity is an important part of the long-term management of chronic health conditions.  Please make sure your patients have received specialist advice about exercising with their condition and know what it means to exercise safely. Walk organisers, are often volunteers, and can’t offer medical advice or be responsible for their management. There are some Heart Foundation Walking groups for people living with specific health needs and these are listed on the find a walking group page if available in your area

How do I set up a walking group for my patients or clients? 

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If you would like to establish a walking group at your practice, clinic or other place of work you can sign up online by completing this form.

What are the benefits of starting a walking group for my patients? 

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Setting up a walking group at your practice, clinic or place of work allows you to form genuine connections within your community, build social connection and trust whilst supporting community members to lead a more active lifestyle.   

What training do walk organisers have? 

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Walk organisers are Heart Foundation volunteers. The Heart Foundation provides online training to walk organisers when they register to help them plan, support and promote their walking groups. Walk Organisers may be employees of the host organisation or community champions. They are not qualified healthcare professionals, although some health professionals may choose to be walk organisers . 

Why should my patient join Heart Foundation Walking over another program? 

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Since 1995, Heart Foundation Walking has supported people across Australia start walking and stay walking. Managed by experts in public health and physical activity, Heart Foundation Walking is safe, supportive and caters to your patients’ abilities.  Participants can walk with others, or on their own, at their own pace – any time, any place! The program is free and enjoyable, with no special equipment required.