2025 Video Competition
Dust off those handy cams (or pick up those mobile phones) as we want to see your Heart Foundation Walking videos!
2025 marks the 30th anniversary of Heart Foundation Walking, and to celebrate we want to capture what makes Heart Foundation Walking so wonderful to be a part of.
We’re inviting you to share a little video and we'll produce a video that will celebrate three decades of this amazing program!
Every video entry receives a pair of ‘I love Walking’ socks, and clips that make it into the final celebration video will win a $50 VISA gift card!
There's an array of good stories, motivations and scenery amidst the 350 000 people that walk with groups or have used a Personal Walking Plan across the country, and we'd love to see the diverse nature of walking in Australia. So, we've provided a number of categories that can help you decide what you'd like to film.
- Scenery: Footage of you or your group walking in wonderous and beautiful spots.
- What gets you walking: Tell the camera what you love about Heart Foundation Walking - you might like to capture more than one comment from your group!
- Social gatherings - we know it's really the social stuff that you keep coming back for! Coffee catch ups, special walks, group celebrations and other outings.
- Neighbourhoods and urban environments - we'd love to see you just walking the streets of your neighbourhoods
- The 'Heart' in Heart Foundation Walking - have you met one or some of your closest friends through walking in a group? Or maybe you have found romance? We'd love to hear from you and your pal.
- Walking Wins: Personal stories and accomplishments - how has being part of Heart Foundation Walking impacted your health and wellbeing for the better. A simple chat to camera is what we'd love to see here!
Here’s what you need to know:
Duration: 10 to 20 seconds
Film your video in landscape - holding your phone 'sideways' or 'horizontally'
- Even if you are filming scenery or your group in action - a little bit of an introduction (group name, history and anything else you'd like to tell us about the group) gives the video some context
- Film your video in landscape
Competition opens on 16 January 2025
Entries close 14 February 2025
Happy filming!
Please reach out to the team if you need a hand or further support
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